barcelonnette rafting guide

Rafting Guide for Beginners

Prepare yourself for a unique experience with Crazy Water: everything you need to know to start rafting and experience intense moments in the great outdoors, with incomparable team spirit!

Introduction to Rafting: what you need to know before starting

Have you decided to take the plunge and discover the joys of Rafting? Excellent decision! Rafting is a thrilling activity that offers a good dose of adrenaline, while allowing you to enjoy nature. In this special guide for beginners, or not, we tell you everything you should expect and how to prepare for this whitewater activity. Ready to paddle? Let's go !

What to expect on your first Rafting outing?

Between thrills, immersion in nature and team cohesion, discover an unforgettable adventure!

Thrills guaranteed

Rafting is above all a adventure full of twists and turns. You will be on an inflatable raft with your team. Whether you know your teammates or not, you paddle together through the raging rapids. The splashes, sharp turns and waterfalls are all elements that make this experience unforgettable. Expect adrenaline rush and to Lots of Laughs, especially on Ubaye! We promise, it’s not our chauvinistic side that’s expressing itself! 

raft in Barcelonnette

Total immersion in nature

One of the biggest advantages of Rafting is the possibility of discover breathtaking natural landscapes as well as thea fauna and flora which characterize them. Whether you float down a mountain river or through spectacular gorges, you will be surrounded by the wild beauty of nature. Take the time to appreciate the scenery between two rapids. THE course offered at Crazy Water have splendid panoramas in store for you, each with its own little specificities. 


Rafting is a team sport par excellence. You will have to coordinate your movements with those of your teammates to avoid obstacles and cross rapids in complete safety. This is an excellent opportunity to to strengthen the ties, whether you are with family, friends or colleagues.

👉 Read also : Plan a group rafting getaway

How to prepare for a Rafting trip?

As your Rafting trip quickly approaches, you are probably wondering what equipment to pack in your suitcase. 

Choosing the right outfit

One of the first things to consider is your outfit. Scoop warning: you're going to get wet, that's for sure. So opt for clothes that dry quickly. A neoprene wetsuit is often provided by Rafting bases and is a great choice to keep you warm. To put directly on your swimsuit! THE helmet and safety vest, they too, are on loan from the nautical base. Don't forget your shoes : sports sandals or water shoes are ideal. Avoid flip-flops which risk getting lost in the river. For the return of the activity, consider bringing a bath towel to dry off before enjoying a nice picnic or snack, just to regain your strength. 

the rafting guide

Bring the right accessories

Besides clothing, certain accessories can make your experience more enjoyable. A bottle of water to stay hydrated, Solar cream environmentally friendly to protect you from UV rays, and sunglasses with a cord so as not to lose them. If you have long hair, consider tying it up so as not to be embarrassed.

Prepare yourself physically

Even though Rafting is accessible to most people, a minimum physical condition is always welcome. No need to transform yourself into an Olympic athlete, but this is the perfect opportunity to do some strength and cardio exercises in the weeks leading up to your outing to get in top shape. This will help you to paddle more efficiently and fully enjoy the experience.

Where to find introductory Rafting courses?

Your decision is made: this summer it will be Rafting or nothing, but then where can you practice it?

Local Rafting bases

For a first experience, it is better to turn to professionals. THE Rafting bases, like Crazy Water, offer cinitiation bears supervised by experienced guides. They will teach you the basics of navigation, safety techniques and will accompany you throughout the descent. Look for a Rafting base near you or in a region you want to discover. Psst, Ubaye is recognized as one of the best Rafting destinations and it's not just us who say it. Proof of this is: Ubaye, the rafting paradise in France

Water sports clubs and associations

There are many clubs and associations which offer Rafting outings and courses. Joining a club can be a great way tomeet other enthusiasts and progress quickly thanks to the advice of more experienced members. Additionally, clubs often organize regular outings, which are perfect for practicing and improving your skills.

the lauzet gorges

Sports courses and stays

For total immersion, why not opt for a training course or a sporting stay? Many agencies offer stays of a few days to a week, combining Rafting lessons and discovery of a region. It is an ideal option for those who want to learn intensively while enjoying an active vacation. 

👉 Read also : 5 benefits of Rafting on your physical and mental health

Practical advice for beginners

Even without having ever practiced Rafting, with these 4 tips in mind, you will be off to an excellent start.  

Listen to your guide

Your guide is your best ally on the water. He knows the river, the rapids, and navigation techniques like the back of his hand. Listen carefully to his instructions and don't hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear. Following his advice is essential to a safe descent.

Do not panic

You may fall into the water. Whether the fall is caused by an eventful passage or a somewhat prankish guide, don't panic! Life jackets are there to keep you afloat. Stay calm, listen to the safety instructions and return to the raft or shore following the instructions of your instructor. Panic is your worst enemy, so take a deep breath and keep your cool.

Paddle in rhythm

The key to a successful descent lies in team coordination. Paddle in rhythm with your teammates and follow your guide's instructions to stay on course. A good synchronization allows you to navigate more efficiently and cross rapids with complete peace of mind.

Enjoy the moment

Finally, don't forget to enjoy the present moment. Rafting is a unique adventure that allows you to disconnect from everyday life, to surpass yourself And to experience unforgettable moments. Savor every minute, admire the scenery and share this experience with your teammates.

Introduction to Rafting is an enriching experience accessible to everyone. It is all the more appreciable when it is minimally prepared. By following these tips, you will put all the chances on your side to experience an unforgettable adventure. So, don't wait any longer, put on your wetsuit, grab your paddle and come discover the joys of Rafting alongside the team Crazy Water. See you soon on the water!

Caroline Aalbers
Caroline Aalbers
Wat een geweldige ervaring, raften over de Ubaye! Prachtige natuur, mooie afwisselende tocht (inclusief zwemmen en in het water springen!) en geschikt voor elk niveau. Onze kinderen (6 en 9 jaar) hebben een super eerste raft ervaring gehad, mede dankzij onze leuke en goede gids. Ze willen zeker nog een keer :-)
Ziga Budja
Ziga Budja
Wonderfull family rafting experience. Just a little bit too much for my sensitive eight year old, but great overall. The river is beautiful with nice surroundings. The guide was excellent (forgot his name 🙄) and the whole team was very nice. The trip down the river took about one and a half hour with some stops. If you visit this place, your're not gonna be sorry! 👍🏻
Un lieu calme et agréable, accueillit par une équipe sympathique. Mise à disposition du barbecue pour le repas du midi avant le rafting. Tout est là pour votre bonheur.
Jerome Henry
Jerome Henry
Merci @CrazyWaterRafting pour les moments géniaux en famille. Nous avons fait rafting, rando aquatique et kayak avec 2 adultes et 2 ados : génial !! Guides super sympa, très pro, Contrairement à ce que l'on entend a la télé, le niveau d'eau dans cette rivière et plus que suffisant pour s'éclater ! Nb: la rando aquatique n'est pas très connue mais super aussi, descente de la rivière en nageant, dans un secteur plus calme que celui pour le rafting. Explication sur la nature, superbe paysages, surprise à la fin... Encore merci. Jérôme, Caroline, Charlotte et Manon.
Shameer Habibi
Shameer Habibi
Really fun, and a really good guide! Overall amazing
Melanie Macias
Melanie Macias
Top top top
Lorenzo Van Loon
Lorenzo Van Loon
We did two descents, one by raft and one by kayak, both with Julien as a guide. He seems totally crazy when you first meet him, but he was a great guide and made our day. Really spectacular river, with a lot of rapids and great views. We got out of the boats to swim a bit in one of the rapids and they took us to a rock where we could jump in to the water. Julien and the crew of Crazy Water are real professionals, but in for a laugh and a joke. A pity we could'n do the 'sport' descent, because of bad weather. But we sure come back. One remark; their 'bar' is quite empty, so make sure to bring your own drinks and food if you're planning to stay for a day.
verriez virginie
verriez virginie