Category: Rafting

raft price in Barcelonnette

Rafting and environmental preservation

Rafting and environment

Towards more eco-responsible Rafting Rafting is great, but doing it while respecting our beautiful planet is even better! Choosing eco-responsible operators like Crazy Water, respecting sensitive areas and adopting sustainable practices are some of the…

The glossary of whitewater navigation

glossary of white water

The vocabulary of whitewater navigation Ah, whitewater navigation! A world apart, where each word has its own meaning and where language itself seems to have been shaped by rapids and whirlpools.…

The evolution of Rafting until today.

rafting year 70 barcelonnette

The History of Rafting: Humble Beginnings to International Sport From its humble beginnings with Native Americans to its current recognition as an international sport, Rafting embodies daring, connection with nature and the quest for adrenaline. Let’s explore together the fascinating evolution of…

Rafting Guide for Beginners

barcelonnette rafting guide
Prepare yourself for a unique experience with Crazy Water: everything you need to know to start rafting and experience intense moments in the great outdoors, with incomparable team spirit!

The 10 best rivers for rafting in the world

the 10 best rafting trips in the world

The best rafting trips What are the 10 best rivers for rafting in the world? The selection was not easy, believe us! Whether you are an intrepid novice or an experienced rafter looking for new challenges,…

Gorges du Verdon Rafting

un rafting vert qui descend les gorges du verdon
Découvrez les différences entre le rafting dans les Gorges du Verdon et sur l’Ubaye : paysages, niveaux de difficulté, sensations fortes et conseils pour choisir la meilleure expérience selon vos envies d’aventure !